interesting stuff

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

the real Chuck Norris woulden't blend either...

If this was really Chuck Norris, the blender would explode when he walked in the room, just for thinking about trying to blend him.

But its cool that Chuck is only thing that i have ever seen not blend in a blendtec blender.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Google image labeler

try google image labeler. it's fun and also a good waste of time.



EEEpc Vs Nokia n800 boot time

So, I am sitting in the library today in between classes and I decide that it is time to have a race between the n800 and my Asus EEEpc for the fastest boot time. There was no contest, I pressed and held the power button for the n800 and waited till it lit up, AND THEN pressed the power button on the EEEpc, giving the n800 a slight advantage. To no avail the EEE pc boots so fast I was able to type in my password and log in before the n800 had fully booted. I counted about 8 seconds after I logged in on my eeepc before the n800 was ready to go.

What does all this mean ? well, I guess just that the EEEpc boots a heck-ton faster than the n800.



I am bored.

I am bored. listen

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Japanese test

Wish me luck on my Japanese speaking test today !


Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Thunder Show...

The Thunder show lives!!!!

.22lr ar conversion


Why Mike is not allowed to have a motorcycle.

Hooking up Jott to my blog

I just hooked up Jott to my blog, so hopefully I will be able to jott some short blog posts from my cell; from anywhere !

Jott is awsome, for those of you who don't know Check it out at:

It's really helpful to me to remember things and send jotts to my famand friends. (mostly remembering things though)

Well Here I go.

This is my Blog. I am finally going to have a blog, I dunno why, 'cause for the most part I usually don't have much of use to say. I think I will just put random junk on here that I find interesting, how's that?

BTW My blog is black, because I like Black, but ALSO, Becasue Black backgrounds save energy!

Take care all !
